Assemble the Tribe

Because everything changes when you forge lasting community.

In an era of increasing isolation, division, and loneliness, cultivating meaningful relationships is more important than ever. By redefining the concept of "tribe," Assemble the Tribe empowers women to embrace a new mindset that fosters belonging, connection, and transformation — and creates a new relational legacy for future generations.

Now an Amazon best-seller!



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Our life experiences are more enjoyable when people decide to sink deep roots into our lives and stay for the long haul.


Believe in Your Value.
Find Belonging.
Be Different.

Connecting with women can be complicated. Finding a female tribe that supports and appreciates each other for a lifetime? Well, that can feel impossible. But we need a tribe to live our best lives. In fact, research tells us that we live longer, healthier, and happier lives when we connect with other women. We need these relationships, and we want them to last—so where do we start?

In Assemble the Tribe,  Leah JM Dean shares her simple yet powerful formula for building a tribe that stands the test of time. She also shows you how to shift to a tribe mindset by first discovering the value that you bring to every connection you make.

With time-tested research, educated insight, and true stories from Leah’s own tribes, you’ll learn how to find your tribes and thrive while making an impact. This book provides you with the first step toward positive change—for yourself, your tribes, and the generations who will follow in your footsteps.

Download 100 Ways To Build & Thrive With Your Tribe

Start your journey to thriving with your tribe today and download 100 Ways to Build and Thrive with your Tribe — a bonus resource to the best-selling book Assemble the Tribe all delivered straight to your inbox.


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Assemble the Tribe
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What readers are saying

Assemble the Tribe is a battle cry for every woman who’s ever felt isolated, outmatched, or unassisted in the business world. Creating strong entrepreneurial alliances will be key for staying resilient in the future, and this book will help you do so.

Entrepreneur Magazine

 "I identified with this book from the first page all the way to the end. I saw myself and my experiences written in its pages... as if it was written just for me. As I read, I felt understood, hopeful, and inspired. I found myself wishing that someone had shared this wisdom with me when I was a young girl, a teenager, or even as a young woman. The insights written in these pages are truly priceless!"

Reader Review

"This book will encourage you to reflect on the friendships you have developed over the years, and challenge you to continue to build and not give up on this fundamental need. As a clinical psychologist, I know that many individuals struggle with finding belonging. This book addresses many of the difficulties we face."

Reader Review

"What a great read, especially in these times. As a licensed professional counselor, I am a huge proponent and encourager of positive support systems, as I know the tangible results they produce in one's life… A breath of fresh air about the impact of togetherness — oh how we need more of this in our world."

Reader Review

Take action with these free bonus tools and more

Assessment: What’s Your Tribe Status? 

Take the Tribe Health Quiz to identify where you’re at in your personal tribe-building journey and determine your best next step. 

Discussion Guide 

Dive deep with over 100 questions to provoke thoughtful group discussion, plus tips for group leaders on facilitating conversations. Perfect for book clubs, groups, or your own personal reflection.

Video Lesson & Downloads 

Get inspired to apply the concepts behind Assemble the Tribe with actionable tips and ideas for individuals and leaders. Plus, go behind the scenes with Leah and hear the top 5 things she has learned since launching the book.

D.A.R.E. Companion Resource 

Stay on track with Leah's four-step guided process for navigating the mountain of building your own tribe, one step at a time.

How it works


Buy the book at any of the retailers listed here. 


AUDIOBOOK - Find instructions for accessing the reader portal at the back of the book.

PRINTED BOOK - Send a photo of your book with a note telling us where you’re from to [email protected], and we’ll send you the link to your free resources.


Register for the free resources and join a community of women on the journey to relational transformation!

Build a custom tribe-building experience for your organization

Drawing on her 20+ years of corporate HR leadership and extensive proprietary research, Leah delivers compelling events and workshops that help your group or team find new ways to grow and thrive together.

Personal, action-oriented, and empowering, Leah guides groups to develop their own tribe-building strategies so that everyone is not just connected, but truly belongs. 

Perfect for groups of all kinds, including corporations, not-for-profits and ministry groups, every presentation is customized to your organization’s unique goals and needs.



Is Assemble the Tribe for me?

  • The seeker who has almost given up on finding her tribe
  • The woman who fears networking or connecting with someone new
  • The woman who's lonely or transitioning and needs to find a new tribe
  • The tribe that has found each other and wants to keep it strong
  • The supporter who wants to help the next generation of women find their tribe
  • The dreamer who wants to live her purpose and accelerate with a little support
  • The woman who knows she has value and is ready to grow
  • Bring your personal value and gifts to your relationships while avoiding comparisons and setting healthy boundaries
  • Find belonging in the different types of groups we encounter in our personal and professional lives
  • Open yourself to new relationships and thrive in the ones you have
  • Leverage the values and strengths within your team or group to unleash their collective genius
  • Teach the next generation how to value and nurture meaningful relationships
Hi there! 

I’m Leah.

Like so many women today, I always wanted to have a crew, a group, a tribe. However, from a young age, like so many women, finding my Tribe was difficult. That challenge deeply shaped the path I took in my life and career.

As a former HR Executive and the founder of Conduit International Ltd., I’ve spent over 20 years helping organizations, leaders, and women around the world and across industries unleash their potential to build more inclusive cultures where people experience belonging while achieving exceptional results. 

Assemble the Tribe shares the science, stories, and insights I discovered while doing proprietary group research with over 1200 women to help my audiences and clients confidently navigate life and leadership with authenticity, courage, and heart.

But more than that, it’s my own story of redefining and rediscovering the power of Tribe to find true connection, belonging and impact.


Sometimes we just have to get out of our own heads and our own way.
Our dreams are not realized alone. 


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