The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Writing My Book: Assemble the Tribe

Today I am SUPER excited, she says in her excited, yet calm voice! Today I want to share my book-writing journey and the biggest lesson I learned from writing a book.
Where did it all begin…
About five years ago I went on a journey to discover my purpose. I loved my job. I helped leaders build organizations and tribes, but I knew I needed something more. I spent hours in what I call “personal strategic planning.” I dedicated time to thinking, talking to mentors, and praying, but still whatever “it” was, escaped me.
Then one day, I remember it like yesterday, I was sitting in my kitchen and it came to me, “Leah, you are going to use all your talents, experience, and gifts to help women and girls.” Well, who saw that coming? I know I sure did not! However, the push was so clear that I knew it was time to take action. That’s how my journey of bringing women together began.
Shortly after that moment in my kitchen, I got to work. Thankfully, I did not have to start from scratch or on my own. I had a tribe that helped me bring my vision for a large-scale women's and girls’ conference to life and it has been amazing.
So, what does all of this have to do with my book?
You see, I was perfectly content to create events and other experiences for women and girls. I was content to just show up as a better human being. Somewhere in the middle of all of that, I got this idea to write a book about bringing women together. I inked the outline and immediately found a really good editor to give me advice. I wondered, “Was I on the right track?” When I shared my work with her, she was surprised by the level of clarity that I had before I had even written one sentence.
Living into your purpose is a journey to change who you are in the world
Here comes the lesson. The outline of Assemble the Tribe is largely the same outline that you will read when the book is released. However, the book’s content is entirely different from what I intended to write. The biggest lesson I learned from writing a book is that if we allow it, our work, living our purpose, can change who we are.
I am not the same person I was when I started this journey two years ago. The book, the words have changed the very fabric of my life. Who I am, how I think, how I show up. I am not perfect, but I am growing every day. The big lesson, when we lean into our purpose, we can become better versions of ourselves and impact the world around us in a whole new way.
Never stop searching
I don’t know your story, but I can tell you, you were placed on this earth because you are unique, special. There is something inside you that you can do, have to do that the world needs. My prayer for you is that you will find it, embrace it, and then live it. I promise when you live your life focused on your purpose, you will never be the same.
P.S. It’s your turn
Do you know what your purpose is? Are you living it every day? Are you sharing it with others?
P.P.S. Are you ready to go deeper?
Find out more in Assemble the Tribe here!
Meet The Author
Leah JM Dean is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and trusted advisor to organizations and leaders across the globe. She is also Founder and CEO of Conduit International Ltd., a professional and personal development solutions company dedicated to helping organizations, leaders, and women work smarter, live well, and foster meaningful connections. A self-proclaimed recovering workaholic, Leah is passionate about helping her clients find strategies to optimize their work, invest in their wellbeing, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those they touch. Join our community to receive our monthly newsletter—full of practical tips, tools, and inspiration. Sign up at