Embracing Equity

inclusion leadership supporting women

What box do you have? What box do you need?

This month marks International Women’s Month and International Women’s Day (IWD). The theme for this year's IWD is Embracing Equity

Equity is often an uncomfortable topic for leaders. Equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place - we must acknowledge and make adjustments for imbalances. It means that sometimes we have to do more for others to right the imbalances that exist from biases and systemic structures. When I work with leaders they often ask, how can I practically focus on being more equitable.

When DEI leaders talk about equity, they often share a picture of three men looking over a fence standing on boxes. The point of the picture is that we all need different levels of support to have access to opportunity. Through this month, on my social platforms, I’ve shared a few short stories of moments when more equitable environments were created for me and others. To continue this thread, in this month's blogs I’ll be sharing a few more of these stories in hopes that they will inspire you to find ways to embrace equity no matter what seat you sit in. 

Embrace equity by investing in potential 

I wasn’t the oldest, I didn’t have the most years under my belt, and this was to be my first time. However, what I did have was passion, a great work ethic, a proven track record of delivering with excellence, and desire to move into my first leadership role. She could have hired someone else, but she made the time, she heard me out, and in the end, she offered me the job. 

My first opportunity to lead a team. 

I will never forget her vote of confidence, and the doors that that one decision opened. That one decision changed the course of my life.  

Embracing equity requires more than just looking at the resume, it requires looking at potential, capability and the long-term impact of your decisions.

Embrace equity by investing time

The list was long, and time was limited. However, knowing I was stretched I still asked “how are you”, and then took her call. You see she was navigating a career altering work issue. Her emotions were high and she felt compelled to say and do some things that could have altered the course of her career. We spent 90 minutes together and by the end of our time she had a plan to navigate the conflict. 

A few months later, she was able to walk away and accept a new opportunity with her head held high and her leadership brand intact.

Embracing equity requires more than talking about it or adding it into your company values. Sometimes equity requires an investment of time to listen and help navigate what could become a career defining moment.

Embrace equity by challenging norms and boxes 

I was a new mom and nothing seemed to be going the way I planned - I was exhausted! I needed something to give, but flex schedules weren’t even on the radar for discussion. One day during a  regular check in he asked, “how are things going with the baby?”

“You want the truth”, I said?

“Yes, that’s why I asked”.

“To be honest it’s been harder than I anticipated.”

“Is there something that I can do that might help?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Well, since you opened the door, it would be a great help if I could come into the office 30 minutes later. I can stay later in the evening, but we really need some give in the schedule in the morning.” 

Without flinching he said, “Consider it done!”

Embracing equity is about taking the time to ask, and looking for opportunities to eliminate the barriers that impede success.

Embrace equity by providing more equitable compensation 

There was part of him that resisted. You see he had a high bar for changing compensation – perhaps too tough, but that was his way. So I did my research, asked for time and laid out my case. He pushed back, I gave more context and resubmitted my request. He escalated the request and facilitated the approval. 

It wasn’t everything that I asked for, but it was a meaningful step towards closing a gap. With each dollar, the way was paved for a better future for myself and those I loved.

Embracing equity requires looking beyond budgets and personal preferences. Embracing equity means looking at the data, considering the circumstances and making a change.

Embrace equity by investing resources

It was my first ever large-scale event for women. I wanted to create an experience that connected women from all industries, walks of life and backgrounds. We wanted to do something meaningful that inspired and motivated women to succeed in their lives and leadership. It was going to require a big investment and fundraising was really tough. He invited me to lunch, he heard me out and I walked out with the dollars that we needed to make it happen. Not only was it a boost to my confidence and work, on the day of the event 100’s of women were inspired.

Embracing equity is about investing your resources in ways that will impact others. It could be time or money. It could be opening doors that otherwise might have forever remained closed.

Embracing Equity - what’s your next best step?

No matter our role or station in life, we all have some measure of privilege, which means we can always give to others. The opportunity for me and the opportunity for you is to be intentional about creating more equity for women and for all those in your life and leadership every day. 

Meet The Author

Leah JM Dean is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and trusted advisor to organizations and leaders across the globe. She is also Founder and CEO of Conduit International Ltd., a professional and personal development solutions company dedicated to helping organizations, leaders, and women work smarter, live well, and foster meaningful connections. A self-proclaimed recovering workaholic, Leah is passionate about helping her clients find strategies to optimize their work, invest in their wellbeing, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those they touch. Join our community to receive our monthly newsletter—full of practical tips, tools, and inspiration. Sign up at www.leahjmdean.com/join.