3 Myths of Tribe and Why It Matters

the book thriving tribe
Leah Dean

Writing a book is NOT easy. I am sure there are some authors who write books with a clear concept in mind and it never changes. In my case, I started with an outline, and then the book, through my life experiences, began to write itself.  Here are some of my findings.

What is tribe?

You see, when I first started writing Assemble the Tribe, I thought I was writing a book about how to create a connected thriving strong female group. However, through my experiences and the stories of others, I learned that the process of creating a healthy tribe is NOTHING like I imagined or had experienced. Here are three myths that regularly get in the way. 

Myth #1: A tribe is just a “group” of people

Well...this one is both true and false. Most of us think about our tribes as the “groups” of people we choose to spend time with. However, if we dig deep into the word “tribe” as I did, the history and use of the word tribe are COMPLICATED! Tribes can be one-on-one relationships, groups, movements, companies, businesses, and so, so much more.  If we limit ourselves to thinking about the tribe as just a “group,” we miss out on the opportunities for connecting that are literally everywhere! In fact, I think tribe at its highest level is even deeper, it’s a way of thinking, it’s a mindset. 

Myth #2: Tribes create belonging and reduce loneliness

This is a big myth! Most of us think that if we can find a tribe to belong to we will find intimate relationships, feel safe, and experience a deep sense of belonging. While these can be true, it isn’t our tribe that brings belonging. Have you ever been with a group of friends and still felt alone? Or maybe you had a problem to solve and felt as if you had no one to turn to even though you had friends all around you? Our tribes do not create belonging. Rather it’s how we choose to relate, connect, show up in our tribes that creates the connection & belonging.

Myth #3: Tribes bring us together 

Tribes CAN bring us together. However, without intention, our tribes can become hotbeds of exclusion and pain.  Think about it, have you ever found a tribe that you love, and because you feel safe you focus all your time on the tribe, not really paying attention to what’s happening around you. Without even realizing it, you may have closed yourself off to those around you. Our tribes CAN bring us together, however, if we are not careful they can also push people apart and create deeper divides. 

Ok, it’s not what I thought, but why does it matter?

Redefining how we think about our tribe’s and shifting our thinking matters because even though we are the most connected generation of all times, in many ways, we have become the most divided. The research also shows despite all the connection potential, we are also the loneliest. This matters for you, it matters for me, it matters for our children. If this isn’t a reason to think about tribes differently, I am not sure what is. 

It's all about MINDSET

I am here to tell you that it’s time, it’s time to think differently, to be different, to connect with others differently, and lovingly, I think each of us has what it takes to lead the way. 

The good news is that shifting to a place where we bust these myths every day in our lives is easy. It all comes down to one simple formula, join the tribe and let me show you how. 



P.S. It’s your turn

Think about these three myths of tribe. What do you believe? What might you be able to do differently with your tribe?

P.P.S. More Tribe resources are on the way!

To learn more about these myths and how you can find and thrive with your tribe, please visit my website here and subscribe to my blog so I can share more with you every week! 


Meet The Author

Leah JM Dean is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and trusted advisor to organizations and leaders across the globe. She is also Founder and CEO of Conduit International Ltd., a professional and personal development solutions company dedicated to helping organizations, leaders, and women work smarter, live well, and foster meaningful connections. A self-proclaimed recovering workaholic, Leah is passionate about helping her clients find strategies to optimize their work, invest in their wellbeing, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those they touch. Join our community to receive our monthly newsletter—full of practical tips, tools, and inspiration. Sign up at www.leahjmdean.com/join.